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SFPE SoCal Chapter Newsletter

Welcome to the Newsletter! We hope to improve internal chapter relations and encourage more members to be involved. If you want to provide any feedback to the Board, please use the link at the bottom of the newsletter. The link can be accessed at any time.

ACE Award

The President has submitted the required paperwork for the Award for Chapter Excellence through the National SFPE. Our local chapter has won the Gold Award four years in a row and we are hoping for a fifth! We will update the Chapter when we find out the news!

Message from the Board

The Board is seeking more volunteers to assist in chapter activities! Please reach out to Jeff Halpert if you are interested and he will get you connected to the right Committee Chairs.


Upcoming Events

We're taking a break for the holidays. We wish you and your family a Happy Holidays! We'll see you in January at our next chapter meeting.


Job Postings

There are job postings on the website on the Careers tab. If you would like a job posted, please email with the details.


Open Survey

If you have feedback you would like to share with the Board, please fill out the open survey we have created. You can either remain anonymous or provide your contact information for a follow-up.

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